Pruve Vision

Pruve Vision

Pruve Vision

Empower your decisions with validated data, tailored AI integration,
and strategic guidance

Empower your decisions with validated data, tailored AI integration,
and strategic guidance

Empower your decisions with validated data, tailored AI integration,
and strategic guidance

Pruve is dedicated to equipping multiplicators and SMEs with state-of-the-art technologies for harnessing and sharing reliable data, enhancing decision-making processes, and fostering growth.

Pruve is dedicated to equipping multiplicators and SMEs with state-of-the-art technologies for harnessing and sharing reliable data, enhancing decision-making processes, and fostering growth.

Pruve is dedicated to equipping multiplicators and SMEs with state-of-the-art technologies for harnessing and sharing reliable data, enhancing decision-making processes, and fostering growth.

Pruve Consultancy

Pruve Consultancy

Pruve Consultancy

Navigate the Digital Landscape

AI Empowerment Solutions

Customized AI Workshops

  • Tailored training sessions to empower your team with practical AI knowledge

Seamless AI Integration

  • Implementation of AI tools designed to enhance productivity and drive innovation

Continuous Support

  • Ongoing assistance to ensure the effective adoption and utilization of AI technologies

Data Validation and Decision Intelligence

Accurate Data Validation

  • Rigorous processes to ensure your data's accuracy and reliability

Insightful Analytics

  • Advanced analytics to provide clear and actionable insights for better business planning

Enhanced Decision-Making

  • Tools and techniques to improve clarity and foresight in strategic decisions

Technology Optimization Strategies

Tech Stack Transformation

  • Strategies to integrate and optimize your existing technology infrastructure

Process Streamlining

  • Identifying and reducing redundancies to enhance efficiency and responsiveness

Connected IT Environment

  • Fostering a more integrated and responsive IT ecosystem for improved performance

Pruve Products

Pruve Products

Pruve Products

Harness the power of AI and data-driven insights for
smarter, more integrated business solutions.


Accumulate is a next-generation, multi-domain knowledge aquistition tool enhanced with GenAI, crafted to search data pools, including legacy structures and the internet, for relevant information that is tailored and validated to your specific needs.

This robust tool is designed for both B2B and B2C sectors, providing users with reliable, contextualized insights into a variety of opportunities, from investment to strategic collaborations. 

Its goal is to empower users by delivering precise and actionable information to facilitate decision-making and growth.

Accumulate is a next-generation, multi-domain knowledge aquistition tool enhanced with GenAI, crafted to search data pools, including legacy structures and the internet, for relevant information that is tailored and validated to your specific needs.

This robust tool is designed for both B2B and B2C sectors, providing users with reliable, contextualized insights into a variety of opportunities, from investment to strategic collaborations. 

Its goal is to empower users by delivering precise and actionable information to facilitate decision-making and growth.


Participate is an integrated work package distribution platform that facilitates the allocation and tracking of tasks among all platform actors, rewarding them with wages, commission sharing, equity, or futures. 

Designed for B2B partners, this SaaS solution leverages machine learning algorithms to not only offer customizable access levels but also facilitate the precise tailoring of task descriptions based on project needs and individual capabilities. With AI-driven insights, Participate enhances operations and transforms the workplace into a milestone-driven environment where participation is transparent and incentivized to promote active engagement and contribution.

Its goal is to drive organizational growth by efficiently managing work distribution and leveraging impactful contributions both within and beyond organizational borders.

Participate is an integrated work package distribution platform that facilitates the allocation and tracking of tasks among all platform actors, rewarding them with wages, commission sharing, equity, or futures. 

Designed for B2B partners, this SaaS solution leverages machine learning algorithms to not only offer customizable access levels but also facilitate the precise tailoring of task descriptions based on project needs and individual capabilities. With AI-driven insights, Participate enhances operations and transforms the workplace into a milestone-driven environment where participation is transparent and incentivized to promote active engagement and contribution.

Its goal is to drive organizational growth by efficiently managing work distribution and leveraging impactful contributions both within and beyond organizational borders.

About Pruve

About Pruve

About Pruve

We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where AI plays a pivotal role. Pruve stands out as a pioneer in Post-AI proof technology.

Our core mission is to enable accountability and cooperation by ensuring that digital interactions and contributions are accurately captured, validated and incentivized towards impactful outcomes. Beyond technological advancements, we are committed to reshaping organizational support systems, fostering an inclusive digital landscape that mirrors our diverse society.

Pruve is on a mission to break down barriers for emerging enterprises, promoting seamless collaboration and distribution of resources. Through our products, we meticulously capture and validate data, empowering organizations and businesses to make informed decisions. 

Join us at Pruve as we pioneer the transformation of the digital realm into a realm of trust, opportunity, and inclusive growth, enabling accountability and cooperation at every step.

We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where AI plays a pivotal role. Pruve stands out as a pioneer in Post-AI proof technology.

Our core mission is to enable accountability and cooperation by ensuring that digital interactions and contributions are accurately captured, validated and incentivized towards impactful outcomes. Beyond technological advancements, we are committed to reshaping organizational support systems, fostering an inclusive digital landscape that mirrors our diverse society.

Pruve is on a mission to break down barriers for emerging enterprises, promoting seamless collaboration and distribution of resources. Through our products, we meticulously capture and validate data, empowering organizations and businesses to make informed decisions. 

Join us at Pruve as we pioneer the transformation of the digital realm into a realm of trust, opportunity, and inclusive growth, enabling accountability and cooperation at every step.

Reach Out

Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision and Mission

Transform society

Enable seamless data sharing and impactful measurement, fostering a transparent environment where societal contributions are visible and verifiable.

Develop potential

Equip individuals and teams with the tools to develop their potential and foster a future rich in cooperation and innovation.

Incentivize "Good"

By enhancing the measurability of 'good', we make tangible the benefits of ethical and impactful behavior, rewarding players who contribute positively to society.

Core Values and Guidelines

Core Values and Guidelines

Respect and inclusion

Embrace diversity and foster an environment where all voices are heard and respected, free from discrimination and harassment.


Focus on the future with a proactive approach to problem-solving, minimizing negative events and maximizing opportunities for improvement.

Open Communication

Maintain transparency in all dealings, encouraging open dialogue to resolve issues and share insights.

Collaborative Environment

Encourage a teamwork-driven ethos where results matter more than the means, as long as they adhere to ethical standards.

Innovative Productivity

Promote a culture of experimentation and learning, where new tools and methods are embraced to enhance productivity.

Sustainable Work-Life

Advocate for a balanced approach to work, ensuring that productivity does not compromise personal well-being.


Benjamin Bommhardt


Before, I built a couple of companies in the financial and blockchain sector. Now, I want to make useful technologies accessable and usable for everyone.

Dr. Marcel Lotz


As an AI & innovation specialist with a PhD in computational astrophysics, I'm passionate about using my knowledge and skills to drive sustainable change.


I am a passionate back-end developer, coming from banking industry and specializing in system architecture and complex code solutions.


I like to design environments and test out their limits. The more data I can store and manage, the better.


Join us at Pruve as we shape the future of digital interaction and community engagement. Together, we can build a world where technology not only connects us but also propels us towards a more cooperative, accountable, and transparent society.

UI/UX Developer

If you are a front end wizard, you should think about joining us.

Blockchain Developer

Always welcome and needed.

Suggest a position

If you feel that you could participate in another capacity as shown, please reach out.

© 2024